Last night I went over to Chesterfield to play at ‘Real Time Live’ Music Venue Open Mic night. When I arrived they were setting up the main stage but also a small area on the floor for performances. I was greeted by the very nice organiser who explained that they are usually so busy they have to rotate from one to the other throughout the night. That sounded buzzing but my immediate reaction was “I want to play the big stage” which he was nice enough to let me. Obviously this was because my music would sound better on a full backline PA not just because I wanted to play on their massive stage…
It was a simultaneously relaxed and yet well organised event, with no set times, the organiser Alex worked the vibe of the audience and gave you 2 minutes notice for it to be your turn.

As it was so busy there was a limit of 3 songs per act so I went with:
You Know
I’ll take my chances
Where did I go Wrong?

It was the first time Electropop graced the stage of their Open Mic Night!
Hopefully it won’t be the last.